Advanced Discounts And Promotions
Defining promotion combination and implementing promotional opportunities

Visual editing and optimising routes on the map, creating clean identifiable route plans

Mobile Screen Monitoring
Visual editing and optimising routes on the map, creating clean identifiable route plans

Order and
The system that allows representatives to take orders and make collections from the office application or mobile application

Real Time Operation
Monitoring and reporting the real data flow at the office and mobile through an internet connection

Mobile Platform Support
Order, collection, and sale operations can be done with a compatible Windows Mobile and Android Operating System based devices

Monitoring and tracking live action for stock movements, inputs, outputs, like vehicle warehouse, main warehouse etc.

Equipment Barcode Verification
​Coordination for the provision of the information between headquarter and outlet, in order to verify the authenticity of the equipment movement for the sales point

GPS Tracking
Comparative reports and tracking GPS-enabled vehicles and sales representatives

Departmental Efficiency
Relationship management Reporting and binding distributors, dealers and chain markets to a specific central headquarter

deliverers and manufacturer vendors immediate invoice printing at the outlet or post-operative (cold sales), pre-order sales

Reporting and Analysis
Quick decisions at the right time with main headings of purchase, sales, identification, equipment, central management, discount and promotion, distribution, order, stock, collection and visits

modules and intergration
Parallel to our costumers constantly changing and innovative internal needs;requests that are able to adapt to the system infrastructure and enriches the quality of the program are evaluated and accordingly implemented.
MatriX Work Flow
A web application that manages users approve requests which are entered through the SFA Mobile or SFA Office Application by the staff and the requests are about equipment (setup, return, exchange), outlet (new opening, amendment), damaged products and promotional products.
Representative Target Tracking
A system that big projects, who have dealers, whose aim is to track sales representatives sales targets and to enter sales representatives target on the web. The targets status are monitored by a number of reports by the dealers manager.
MatriX Web Reporting
A website system that senior managers can instantly access some main reports from a mobile system.
MatriX SMS Web Service
A web service that is used for entering orders by the help of GSM providers that enable server transfering to the SFA system
MatriX SAP Integration
An application that is developed for transferring verifications and notifications from SFA MatriX system to the SAP system
MatriX Web Order
A web order system that is developed for hotel users and negotiated users to enter orders for dealers over the web.
MatriX Netsis Integration
A web service application that is developed for transferring invoices and waybills from Netsis system to SFA MatriX system
MatriX Order Integration System
System solutions, orders and sales integration for other kinds of systems which you are working on a customized database system.
MatriX TAPDK Controlling Integration
TAPDK is a system that controls the permission for alcoholic drink sales. Our controlling integration that is developed for comparing outlet tax number and outlet TAPDK number and monitoring these pieces of information on SFA MatriX system.